Monday, June 2, 2008

Some tips on hosting

I have read some posts in the hospitality forums from people who have some experiences in the hosting area. Some feel perplexed as to how to broach the subject of boundaries while hosting people in their homes. Below is a simple list of questions that I will revise and tweak from time to time as I receive input from those of you who wish to make the hosting experience as fun and exciting as the travelers who visit. These are not hard and fast rules rather they are what I have learned from reading the various posts and information I have gathered from the networks I belong to. It is my desire that you take what you can to make your hosting experience pleasurable. If you want to add something or amend this let me know and I will add your suggestions as time and circumstance allow.

Hosting information request:


All contact should be through the website.

All contact should be clear and easily understood by both parties.

Please contact me if I am not selected as your host.

You should be verified and have a profile pic of you at least in your photos.

You should be familiar with my profile.

Please have contacts I can email and ask about you on your profile.

Please provide emergency contact information.

Arrival / Departure

Email me with date and time of arrival

Let me know the number of people in your group

Are they all members of the networking site?

Please provide a link in your email of other guests website profile.

Do you need to be picked up?

Email me if there are any change of plans

Describe what you expect of me during your visit.

Please provide a departure date and time.

Do you need to be dropped off?

If I can not accommodate your requests do you have contingency plans?


Can you cook?

Do you have any special dietary requests?

Will you eat here or go out?

Can you clean up?

Do you need to do laundry?

Do you need bedding, pillow(s) or blankets?

Do you have toiletries?

Do you need a guide?

Do you know how to use public transportation?

Do you need transportation?

Do you need a translator?

What languages do you speak?

What time do you regularly get up?

What time do you regularly go to bed?


Do you use pot or other illegal drugs?

If an emergency arises can you make plans to leave immediately?

Do you have any habits or customs I need to recognize?

Are there any special requirements to hosting you I should be aware of?

Do you take medications?

Are you under a doctors care?

Do you have any allergies?

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?

If you do drink what do you prefer beer, wine or liquor?

1 comment:

In French said...
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