Saturday, December 29, 2007

So, where do you want to go today?

Love traveling? Seeing new and exciting places? Have a hard time when you get there deciding what to do or where to go? Hate getting stuck in those touristy places that seem the same wherever you go?

Just think for a moment. If someone came over to your side of town do you think you could show them a good time? Would you know all of the "great" places to eat, visit or hangout? Of course you would.

Now imagine if you could do that wherever you went in the world. Imagine going to Europe and being met by people like yourself who meet you at the airport and took you to where they lived and show you all the little "secrets" only the locals know about. No, no flashing lights, loud noises just a small quiet place, great food and a personal history lesson from that particular area. Now you have seen a lot and are ready to retire for the night. Instead of the usual hotel room your taken to a home that is in town. You are taken to a room that is in a open area, its a couch, futon, cot whatever and for that night it is home. When you wake in the morning the adventure doesn't stop. You are treated to what any local would have for breakfast and go out to meet other locals. It is like you have lived there your whole life. No guessing, no trial and error.

If this is something that interests you you should check into hospitality social networking. Become a local and meet people from all over the earth who are just like you and yet different enough to make a few days like a vacation. Its like being able to take a vacation to somewhere far away without even leaving.

Here are some links:
Tell them clubcouch sent you!

Happy adventures, be safe, share and try hospitality it works!



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