Monday, June 2, 2008

Some tips on hosting

I have read some posts in the hospitality forums from people who have some experiences in the hosting area. Some feel perplexed as to how to broach the subject of boundaries while hosting people in their homes. Below is a simple list of questions that I will revise and tweak from time to time as I receive input from those of you who wish to make the hosting experience as fun and exciting as the travelers who visit. These are not hard and fast rules rather they are what I have learned from reading the various posts and information I have gathered from the networks I belong to. It is my desire that you take what you can to make your hosting experience pleasurable. If you want to add something or amend this let me know and I will add your suggestions as time and circumstance allow.

Hosting information request:


All contact should be through the website.

All contact should be clear and easily understood by both parties.

Please contact me if I am not selected as your host.

You should be verified and have a profile pic of you at least in your photos.

You should be familiar with my profile.

Please have contacts I can email and ask about you on your profile.

Please provide emergency contact information.

Arrival / Departure

Email me with date and time of arrival

Let me know the number of people in your group

Are they all members of the networking site?

Please provide a link in your email of other guests website profile.

Do you need to be picked up?

Email me if there are any change of plans

Describe what you expect of me during your visit.

Please provide a departure date and time.

Do you need to be dropped off?

If I can not accommodate your requests do you have contingency plans?


Can you cook?

Do you have any special dietary requests?

Will you eat here or go out?

Can you clean up?

Do you need to do laundry?

Do you need bedding, pillow(s) or blankets?

Do you have toiletries?

Do you need a guide?

Do you know how to use public transportation?

Do you need transportation?

Do you need a translator?

What languages do you speak?

What time do you regularly get up?

What time do you regularly go to bed?


Do you use pot or other illegal drugs?

If an emergency arises can you make plans to leave immediately?

Do you have any habits or customs I need to recognize?

Are there any special requirements to hosting you I should be aware of?

Do you take medications?

Are you under a doctors care?

Do you have any allergies?

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?

If you do drink what do you prefer beer, wine or liquor?

Saturday, December 29, 2007

So, where do you want to go today?

Love traveling? Seeing new and exciting places? Have a hard time when you get there deciding what to do or where to go? Hate getting stuck in those touristy places that seem the same wherever you go?

Just think for a moment. If someone came over to your side of town do you think you could show them a good time? Would you know all of the "great" places to eat, visit or hangout? Of course you would.

Now imagine if you could do that wherever you went in the world. Imagine going to Europe and being met by people like yourself who meet you at the airport and took you to where they lived and show you all the little "secrets" only the locals know about. No, no flashing lights, loud noises just a small quiet place, great food and a personal history lesson from that particular area. Now you have seen a lot and are ready to retire for the night. Instead of the usual hotel room your taken to a home that is in town. You are taken to a room that is in a open area, its a couch, futon, cot whatever and for that night it is home. When you wake in the morning the adventure doesn't stop. You are treated to what any local would have for breakfast and go out to meet other locals. It is like you have lived there your whole life. No guessing, no trial and error.

If this is something that interests you you should check into hospitality social networking. Become a local and meet people from all over the earth who are just like you and yet different enough to make a few days like a vacation. Its like being able to take a vacation to somewhere far away without even leaving.

Here are some links:
Tell them clubcouch sent you!

Happy adventures, be safe, share and try hospitality it works!



Friday, December 28, 2007

To host or not to host?

I remember when I first found out about hospitality social networking. I thought to myself who would let a complete stranger into their home? People are crazy, the world is a mess, what about the children for God's sakes will someone please think of the children.
Once I got past the initial impact I realized the obvious truth. How well do we really know the people we know? Isn't that reason enough to go out and meet new people from different cultures?
Hospitality social networking isn't just about hosting people at your home or being hosted. Its about gatherings, learning, exploring and breaking barriers for adventurers. Remember the times when you explored and how exciting it felt to discover new and exciting things. Hospitality social networking allows us to learn, understand and teach others about life. Yes, just life.
Small groups gather in public places and share a meal and pleasant conversations. Mostly cultural stuff, cooking tips, travel experiences and other pleasantries. After a few gatherings you will quickly realize that it is a great way to meet and connect with people from all over the world.
My first adventure was in San Francisco at a "Hail to the primos" gathering for a surfer who was returning to Berlin. It was a couchsurfing experience. I had a great time and instantly knew this was what I would enjoy doing. Since then I have been to several gatherings, bbqs, walks in the park, concerts and other events where you can go, meet the locals, enjoy a good conversation and learn.
I have met hundreds of people from all over the world and learned first hand about all of the things I wanted to know about where they are from and even some stuff I would never of thought to ask.
I did venture out a little further and hosted a person from India who is studying in the States and we had a great time. We cooked, had some drinks talked about our cultures and even plan to do it again when he finishes his studies in the spring. We keep in touch via email and he has sent me pictures from his other adventures.
I also hosted a girl from Singapore. She is a student in San Francisco. She spent a few days over and we talked, cooked, exchanged ideas and I look forward to maybe some day seeing her in her home town.

So really, to host or not to host is your decision. Choose wisely and make the most out of life by learning, tasting and meeting a little part of the world you may never get to.

I look forward to meeting you and until then, be safe, share and travel smart!


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Travel Information Tip for Adventurers

Do I have a gem for you!

Maybe you travel and like to tour. If so this may be for you.

Have you ever considered traveling with the locals?

Well thanks to several interesting websites there is the opportunity to travel, meet and stay with locals saving money and creating new and exciting friendships that can last a lifetime!

What am I talking about?

Well go to anyone of these sites and find out.

If you like to travel or just like to make new and exciting friends hospitality social networking is the place to be. Try it and let me know what you think.

My profile is clubcouch.

I have been to many gatherings and have met many, many people from all over the world. These people are friendly, intelligent and interesting.

So how do you want to spend your vacation time you have worked so hard for? Doing what you always do or maybe trying something different, new and exciting?

Please read the use rules, FAQ's and security information before you sign up, but sign up you'll be glad you did! I am!

Tell them clubcouch sent you!

Ciao! Happy adventures!
